Replacing a standard keyboard with an Enterpad for the disabled

Many of the disabled have trouble using a standard computer keyboard. An Enterpad can be substituted for a standard keyboard and many of these problems can be eliminated.

Some problems with standard keyboard include:

  1. The keys are too small.
  2. The lack of visual clues to find a key.
  3. If a key is not released quickly the character is repeated.
  4. Lack of audio and visual clues that a key was pressed.
  5. Frustration over entering repeated text.

By assigning the same character to adjacent keys you in effect create a key of twice the size. This gives a larger landing area for each key. By configuring each double key to reproduce the same single character you can create a large keyboard for the disabled.

Additionally the graphic overlay can be color coded to make finding keys easier. Keys with similar functions, such as function keys, can be colored the same. The color of the character and its background can be set making finding keys easier.

Another problem is that some disabled can’t release a key before the repeat function kicks in. With an Enterpad the repeat can be eliminated entirely. Or alternately the delay period before the character is repeated can be set to any value desired.

An Enterpad can also be configured to give an audio tone when a key is pressed. The volume of the tone can be set to loud, medium or quit. The tone helps to further accurse the user of a successful key press.

Finally, some buttons can be configured to send information that the user enters over and over. Their name, address and telephone number are a few examples. Standard commands such as copy, paste, cut and the file open command can also be programmed into a key.

If the Enterpad is used in conjunction with AutoHotkey keys can be created that move the mouse pointer. The pointer can be moved left, right, up and down. It can also be moved diagonally. The speed at which the mouse moves can be controlled. Also both single and double click can be assigned to keys.

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